Wander off

Hi! It has been quite some time since the transition to phase 2.
Honestly, I feel like I'm so used to staying at home that it's really tough for me to get out of my zone hahaha! I'm truly in a very 'homebody' state. I can't even imagine getting back to where I'm supposed to be in.

Reflecting upon my circuit breaker season, I feel like I hadn't been really productive even till now. I've been in avoidance of my plans because I haven't really found a certain direction to head towards. Sometimes I wish I'm back in high school where I know that all I need to focus on is to study and move on. Unlike now, the paths seem to widen; feels like there are more options yet not all the options will be available for you. Or more like you're just feeling stuck. 

I ever dreamt to be a mentor to those younger gen who sincerely needs guidance in life or something along the line, once I am equipped with knowledge or experience when I'm older. Just thought how nice it would be to share and pass on what you've learned to the next-gen of community.

